miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Did you know?

  • For teenagers, many can agree that music is incredibly important in their lives.. 60 per cent of 16 to 24 years old would rather go without sex than music for a week.Music has been affecting teenagers greatly, in terms of behavior and cognition.
  • A point with teens and music, is the issue of how they obtain it. When ten years ago, teenagers would be found  at a local record store, now, many sit in front of a computer screen. On average, 43 per cent of music owned by ages 15 to 24 years old has not been paid for. 70 per cent of 15 to 24 years old do not feel guilty for illegally downloading music  on the internet. However, 42 per cent of the age group would want respect for their music and creative freedom above everything else if they qere a big celebrity. Some common download sites where teenagers get their music for free are: Lime Wire, Frost Wire, BearShare, online forums and message boards.

  • The most commonly used device  to listen tomusic is the iPod or mp3 players. 

  •   An issue affecting teens with these players and music is the volume factor, especially with the tiny earbuds that come cheaply. Loud Music can potentially damage hair cells in the inner ear that convert vibrationsinto electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound. Now, with loner battery lives, mp3 players and iPods encourage users to listen for longer periods of time then older portable devices.
  • Music includes many things that teenagers can relateto, as well as understand.On the other hand, music can be linked with negative effects, such as drugs and violence. Overall, music is very influential upon teenagers.

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