domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

and achieve the dreams?

there is hardly a person who does not have dreams. I can assure you all that we have and at some stage of our lives we get or achieve. But the hardest thing is to know and follow them if you're not really motivated to pursue them. all must be clear about what we want and what we are about to pursue. the saddest thing is when a dream dies, and do nothing to follow motivating to reach it. if we are here to pursue our dreams and to be happy, I think we should all focus to follow at any cost, we should not matter what people think about them because they do not feel what we, if we love that dream we must follow no matter what.
relate many university courses or work like a dream, and good, but if at some point in our lives we can not study what you want or dream fails, we should not torture us with this failure, we must take more strength to go on, and take that failure as a new learning :)
no matter what, you should follow your dreams and be completely happy with them; D
not expect new year to have purposes, surround them every day. just keep holding on :)

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